Road Trips Planned 2018


We are working on some future Road Trips for 2018-2019.

We have had some interest in visiting some Masonic sites later this summer, so we were making plans, to visit the Masonic center in Utica, NY.

Since we have this interest in traveling, I thought, why not start a Masonic Travel Club.

This would be a great activity for our brothers to get together and have some of our membership who we don’t often see regularly to come and join in the fun with us.

This would also be a good way to have our family & friends join us, as we can show others some of the positive things Free Masonry does for our community, and to show our friends that Free Masonry isn’t an cult but a worth while organization, with hopes that they too may take an interest in the craft.

This is also a good fundraising opportunity for our lodge. I am confident that many of our brothers will join us in our travel, but we would like to offer our brothers from other lodges in our Erie district to be welcome to join us as well.

Some of the ideas that were passed around were:

  • Traveling to Lancaster PA to the Sight & Sound Theater to see the Production of “Jesus in the spring and to see the “Miracle of Christmas in the late fall (both programs are outstanding)

  • Visiting Noah’s Ark in Northern Kentucky

  • Tour of Mackinac Island in upper Michigan

Stay tuned for details soon…..